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The union of criminalists and criminologists

U. Hellmann Captain from Kepenik: A German Criminal Story

Abstract: unlike to Russia and the USA, where dangerous criminals are sometimes thought to be “heroes” (for example, Sonya the Golden Hand and Mishka the Japanese) or „Billy the Kid“, and „Bonnie and Clyde“), in Germany there is no such an example of glorifi cation of criminals. Thus, a native of the East Prussia Fredrick Wilhelm Fogt became rather famous, he was born in 1849 in Tilsit. The crime by Fogt became rather known not only in Germany, but far out of it. The image of Fredrick Wilhelm Fogt as a “noble thief”, created by Karl Suckmeier and played by Heinz Rumman in his character of a Captain from Kepenik, is still alive in Germany. InGermanevenanewword “Kepenikiade” wasinvented. In 1996, near the Townhouse in Kepenik a bronze memorial and a memorial desk were built to the Captain from Kepenik. A memorial desk was also built in Wismar, on the wall of a house, where Fogt lived and worked. In Berlin, a primary school is named in honor of the Captain from Kepenik.


Friedrich Wilhelm Fogt, the Captain from Kepenik, Kepenikiade

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