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The union of criminalists and criminologists

O.A. Zaytsev, V.N. Orlov International Round-Table Discussion on the Topic “Measures of Compulsion in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of Russia and Germany” (Moscow Academy of Economics and Law (Moscow), November 20, 2013)

Abstract: the international round-table discussion on the topic “Measures of Compulsion in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of Russia and Germany” was held. Themoderatoroftheround-tablediscussionwasZaytsevOlegAleksandrovich, Pro-Rector on the Scientifi c Work of Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored scientifi c worker of RF, Honored worker of professional education of RF. Themainreportsweremadeby: HeadofCriminal, Economical- CriminalLawChairofLawDepartmentofPotsdamUniversity (Germany), DoctorofLawProfessorU. Hellmann; leading scientifi c worker, lecturer of Criminal, Economical Criminal Law Doctor of Law, Professor P.V. Golovnenkov; Professor of Criminal Legal Disciplines of Law Department of Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored jurist of RF A.P. Gulyaev.


Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, measures of compulsion, criminal law, criminal procedure, Russia, Germany

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