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The union of criminalists and criminologists

T.G. Ponyatovky Objects of Crimes against Property and Quality of Criminal Legal Protection

Abstract: the author analyses the problems of quality of the criminal legal protection of property. He claims, that the right of intellectual property should be regarded as an object criminal legal protection with all the provided practical consequences. It is not clear, what is protected by the Russian criminal law: the property right, its elements, subjects of property, separate interests of the subjects of property), its legal or property wealth or property as some abstract juridical phenomenon.


quality, intellectual property, protection

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1. Bochkarev, S. A. Ugolovno-pravovaya okhrana sobstvennosti: teoretiko-instrumental'nyy analiz: dis. … kand. yurid. nak: 12.00.08 /
2. S. A. Bochkarev. — M., 2010.