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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Hellman U. Signifi cance of the Preventive Imprisonment to the Practice of Criminal Penalties in Germany

Abstract: the author analyzes vital problems of the preventive imprisonment, which are of great signifi cance to the practice of criminal penalties in Germany, where money penalty prevails as a form of penalty. The author points out the disadvantages of the correctional system, such as low effectiveness of correctional impact of other penalties, except freedom deprivation, and application of freedom limitation in this case.


imprisonment, the convict, limitation, money penalty

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1. Bundeskriminalamt (Hg.) [Federal'noe upravlenie ugolovnoy politsii], Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Bundesrepublik Deutschland [politseyskaya statistika po ugolovnym delam FRG], Berichtsjahr 2011, Wiesbaden 2012.
2. Statistisches Bundesamt [Federal'noe statisticheskoe vedomstvo], Fachserie 10 Reihe 3, Rechtspfl egeStrafverfolgung 2011, Wiesbaden 2012