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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Orlov V.N. The Objective in the Penalty in Russia and Kazakhstan

Abstract: Object of penalty application is an element of legal status (state) of a person, found guilty by the court, i.e. rights, obligations and legal interests, which could bear penal impact, provided by the criminal law. The object of penalty execution is a complex of elements of legal status (state) of the convict, defi ned by the court for the penal impact on the side of an institute or organ, an offi cial, executing criminal penalty. The object of servicing penalty is a complex of elements of the legal status (state) of the convict, i.e. rights, obligations and legal interests of the convict, defi ned by the court for servicing a penal impact from the side of an institution or organ, an offi cial, executing criminal penalties.


an object of the penalty application, object of penalty execution, object of servicing penalty

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