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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Nomokonov V.A. Special Features of Evolution of Causes of Criminality in the Post-Soviet Russia

Abstract: in the contemporary globalizing world, serious transformations go on not only in the positive sphere (economical, political and social), but also in a shadow world, which presents the most serious criminal threat. It seems, that changes in the “criminal face” of the society — in its state, structure and dynamics of contemporary criminality — is defi ned mostly by the specifi c features of its causal complex. The causal complex of criminality in a contemporary Russia is a complex of deformation, being a “false mirror kingdom” in a way. Lameness of the society refl ects in the real presence of a shadow Power in it, shadow “law”, shadow economics, shadow social forces and shadow ideology. Thus, the task of decriminalization of society and effective counteraction to criminality could be solved only in a system and in cooperation with the healthy social forces on the basis of a real democratization of political system, maintenance of a high level of life for the population, stable and balanced social economical development, harmonization of social relations and social consolidation.


causes of criminality, causal complex of criminality, criminality Types of publication: scientifi c article

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