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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Matskevich I.M. Problems of High Quality Personnel Training for the Law Enforcement System of the Post-Soviet Countries (by the example of Russia)

Abstract: the author analyzes the problems of the training and appraisal of the scientifi c pedagogical personnel (high quality personnel). He analyzes both the comprehensive contradictions, cumulated within the years after the dissolution of the USSR and the existing at that time system of personnel training, and the disadvantages of the existing legislation, which is aimed to take decisions about scientifi c degrees awarding at liberty within the development of the so-called Bologna process.


appraisal, scientifi c degrees and title awarding, the Supreme Attestation Committee

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1. 1. Kutafin O. E. Problemy razvitiya yuridicheskogo obrazovaniya v Rossii / O. E. Kutafin // Izvestiya mezhdunarodnoy akademii nauk vysshey shkoly. — 2005. — № 3.