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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Muravskaya M L. Legal Aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management based on the Basin Principle

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal aspect of improvement of the management system of water and related resources in Russia and Ukraine. The existing structure of authorities on water management in these states is described. The evidence of its imperfection is given. The introduction of integrated water resources management at the basin principle is proposed. The world classical modals of integrated water resources management at the basin principle are studied. The common features of described models, which should correspond to the system of integrated water resources management, are disclosed. Ways to improve the legal framework for water resources management in Russia and Ukraine are proposed. The article concludes the necessity to balance the combination of the basin, the administrative-territorial and the branch principles of management of water and related natural resources. It was proposed that the single management object formed on the basin principle should be defined as an element of an ecological network. The authorities’ structure, their competence and the mechanism of their interaction to manage a single object should be fixed in the codified legal act in the field of environmental protection — in the Environmental Code.


integrated management, water resources, basin principle, world experience, authorities, interaction mechanism, duplication of credentials, ecological network, sub-basin, effective management.

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