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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Maslov Y.V. Parliamentary Control by the Bundestag on the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the control powers of the Bundestag over the Federal government and the Federal bodies of Executive authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany. The article considers the forms and types of parliamentary control, which were established by the Basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal laws and regulations of the Bundestag. The Bundestag often carries out functions of the legislative power to control the Executive power, because it occupies the most important place among the Federal bodies of state power. In addition to the provisions of the legislation, the author estimates practical experience of application by the Bundestag powers assigned to it for the control of the Federal Executive bodies, and also experience of research commissions and committees of investigation formation. Studying of the independent parliamentary bodies in the Federal Republic of Germany — the Commissioner of the Bundestag Defense Committee and the Federal audit chamber — takes a special place in this article.


Basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bundesrat, the Bundestag, the Federal President, the Federal Chancellor, the Commissioner of the Bundestag defence Committee, the Federal audit chamber, the research commissions, committees of inquiry, parliamentary control.

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