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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Lukyanova V.Y., Plyugina I.V. Effect of WTO Rules on the Formation of Technical Regulation System in Eurasian Region

Abstract: In recent decades the development of nearly all countries of the world community is marked by two different directions and at the same time complementary trends — globalization and regionalization. Both of these processes are inextricably connected with the legal integration of the participating countries, as they require the creation of a single (integral) legal framework for the development of integration processes and the interaction of the subjects of integration. However, the «layering» of regulatory impact of international instruments of various kinds and levels, often leads to their inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the integration process. For the new independent states realization of marked trends is the entry into the World Trade Organization, on the one hand, and the intensification of inter-state integration in the Eurasian space — on the other. The questions of «coexistence» and the principles of the interaction of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and regional integration entities, as well as the impact of WTO law, including the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, on the formation of technical regulation systems in alliances of international economic integration, operating in Eurasia are discussed.


World Trade Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community, technical barriers in trade, technical regulations, standards, international standard.

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