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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Dobrobaba M.B. Doctrinal Characteristic of Disciplinary Responsibility of State Servants in the Foreign Countries

Abstract: The author substantiates the need for a comparative legal method to identify the benefits of legal regulation of disciplinary responsibility of state servants in foreign countries for their subsequent implementation in the domestic service and delict legislation. On the basis of allocation of the currently existing models of organization of the state service and the characteristics of the legal regulation of public service in foreign countries, it is concluded that it is within the continental (Romano-Germanic) model of vocational institute officials falls under the administrative regime of legal regulation, which causes limiting the scope of ongoing research. For the purpose of doctrinal characteristics of disciplinary responsibility of civil servants in foreign countries identified specific characteristics that distinguish the disciplinary responsibility of civil servants from the disciplinary responsibility of ordinary employees according to the norms of labor law: the target and functional purpose; the sources of legal regulation; the subjects of disciplinary responsibility; the features of reason to use; the types of interventions; the procedure for the imposition of sanctions.


state service, civil servants, professional officers, ordinary workers, public relations, disciplinary responsibility, the disciplinary delict, disciplinary sanctions, imposition of sanctions, disciplinary law.

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