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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Tkachenko, O. V. Psychological Preparation of a Child to a Kindergarten Through Alternate Forms of Preschool Education

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes activity and psychological assistance provided at Centers of Child Play Development (CCPD) as structural subdivisions of state kindergartens. The author describes particular features of activities performed at CCPD. Performance of such centers is based on the principles of the theory of leading activity (this is the play activity at childhood) and the principles of cultural-historical psychology (in particular, the principle of the zone of proximal development). These principles were used during preparation for group lessons when a mother and a child were introduced to different forms of play activity (drawing and plasticine modeling) and physical activity (games and exercises). Special attention is paid at developing cognitive skills, curiosity, social skills, activity and encouragement of general creativity of a child. The author of the article uses practical methods for evaluation efficiency of such lessons, emotions and feelings of a child during a lessons and influence of these factors on adaption to a kindergarten in the future. The article proves CCPD to be quite efficient. Practically all children who attended such lessons at CCPD successfully adjust to their kindergartens and show a rather high level of cognitive development compared to children who never attended such centers.


preschool psychology, play activity, structural subdivisions, alternate forms, socialization, adaptation, initiativity, emotional responsiveness, competent assistance, child adaptation.

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