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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korniliev, V. V. Negative Consequences of Development of Crowd Psychology As Part of Social Psychology

Abstract: The phenomenon of crowd defined an intensive development of crowd psychology as an independent branch of psychology. Starting from Gabriel Tarde and Herbert Spencer history has been conceived from the point of view of philosophy, social studies and psychology. However, most of the researches conducted by social psychologists have been inefficient. Michele-Louis Rouquette, Serge Moscovici and Elias Canetti offered numerous classifications and defined a great number of local mechanisms, however, their researches lacked integration with branches of global psychology. Current branches of psychology and crowd psychology develop independently. However, crowd psychology is particularly viewed in classical psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, transpersonal psychology and so on. Close interaction between the aforesaid branches of psychology and social psychology solves a number of problems and questions raised by social psychology. Lack of integration between branches and disciplines causes even more problems with conceptualization and terminology. A significant breakthrough appears when analytical psychology is matched to modern achievements in social researches of crowd.


psychology of mass, crowd psychology, social psychology, analytical psychology, crowd, social studies, psychoanalysis, individual, collective, unconsciousness, collective soul, archetype.

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