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Actual problems of Russian law

Pokachalova, A.S. The problems of civil law regulation of contractual relations in the sphere of obligatory pension insurance with the participation of private pension funds and the possible solutions

Abstract: The pension system of Russia has changed drastically in the last decade. Since the pension rights of the citizens are socially valuable, the state provided detailed regulation of rights and obligations of these subjects, which lead to the appearance of specific legal constructions previously unknown to Russian legislation. In particular, it concerns the contracts on obligatory pension insurance. The obligatory pension insurance by private pension funds includes both elements of public and private law, regulating the issues regarding obligatory pension insurance contracts. The article concerns issues of obligatory pension insurance by private insurance companies, and it includes a complex analysis of norms regulating the contact on obligatory pension insurance, the author defines legal nature and elements of such contracts, provides propositions for the improvement of legislation in this sphere.


private pension fund, obligatory pension insurance, private law, organizational legal form, public law, insured person, pension reform, savings part of pension, civil law institution.

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