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Actual problems of Russian law

Vasiliev, S.A. Problems of development of organizational and legal bases for the provision of state and municipal services to the people at the multi-functional centers

Abstract: This article concerns analysis of the modern problems in the sphere of providing state and municipal services in the multi-functional centers for the purpose of understanding this issue and optimization of their work. Comparison of the legal norms regulating this sphere of social relations and practice of their implementation have shown the existing problems. The large number of normative acts, which are being continuously amended, causes a number of difficulties with the provision of state and municipal services. The multi-functional centers are not free from complicated bureaucratic procedures regarding interactions with the state and municipal bodies, and they need universally qualified specialists. At the same time they are strictly limited by legislation and by-laws. In order to guarantee their efficient work and improvement in the sphere of protection of human rights and freedoms, there is need to optimize the activities of novel multi-functional centers for the provision of state and municipal structures in Russia. The author also makes proposals for the improvements in their activities.


state services, municipal services, multi-functional center, provision of state services, guarantees of human rights, activities of a multi-functional center, requirements for a multi-functional center, applications of citizens, specialist of a multi-functional center, “one stop” principle.

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