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Taxes and Taxation

Khusnetdinov, R. E. Improving the Mechanism of Service Supply Taxation in the Sphere of E-Business Activity

Abstract: The author of the article describes economic nature of e-business activities and defines problems of taxation of e-business by analyzing examples of taxation of e-business activities both in Russia and abroad. The author makes certain suggestions on how to improve the system of indirect taxation of service supply in the sphere of e-business activity. In particular, the author suggests: to consider e-products (e-goods) to be a type of services; to consider a customer’s country to be the place of supply of services; to improve the concept of a ‘tax agent’ in cross-border trades, to cancel an obligation to forward value-added tax to the budget and to transfer funds to a foreign citizen as a payment for services at the same time and to provide for an opportunity to deduct an VAT amount without paying it; to implement a procedure for tax registration of foreign providers of e-services to Russian physical entities for the purpose of VAT payment and to establish tax liability for improper performance of such obligation. As a part of improvement of direct taxation of cross-border trades in the sphere of e-business, the author offers to implement a permanent establishment in Russia. Such permanent establishment allows to allocate a server where a web-site involved in business activity is located and to define the moment of e-service supply and frequency of e-service supply.


The author of the article describes economic nature of e-business activities and defines problems of, the author suggests: to consider e-products (e-goods) to be a type of services; to consider a custom, to cancel an obligation to forward value-added tax to the budget and to transfer funds to a foreign , the author offers to implement a permanent establishment in Russia. Such permanent establishment all

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