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Actual problems of Russian law

Chelnokova, G.B. Minimum subsistence level and minimum wage — key criteria for defining poverty in the social legislation of Russia

Abstract: Based on the theoretical approaches this article concerns the issue of poverty as a currently existing social matter in Russia in the period since 1990s, when the market economy started to form In Russia. The author provides brief characteristics of social and economic policy in the Soviet community, defines goals and means of their implementation. The definition of poverty is closely connected to the study of the problems of subsistence level of the population. The article touches upon the unity among the legal scholars as to the definition of subsistence level as a social and economic category, as well as deputes among them as to the parameters (characteristics) of the subsistence level. The low level of living is regarded within the context of subsistence level problems mainly as a consequence of presence of various dependants in a family where the wages of wage earners are comparatively low. The author singles out poverty as an independent type of social risk and defines its objective criteria.


poverty, subsistence standard, low level of provision, social risk, minimum subsistence level, minimum wage, consumer basket, salary, income, state.

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