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Philosophy and Culture

Shugurov, M. V. Relation Between Meaning and Non-Existence in Anthropological Ontohermeneutics: Cultural and Philosophical Projections

Abstract: The article is devoted to ontological status of non-existence in cultural and philosophical projection of anthropological ontohermeneutics. The author suggests to view non-existence as a context for understanding the phenomenon of meaning which allows to come to a level of ‘boundary’ conditions for the human meaning-making process. Non-existence is represented as the content of the boundary experience where the meaning is made. According to the author, ontohermeneutic approach to existence focusing on cultural existence of human allows to better understand the essence and purpose of culture and explain peculiarities of the meaning-making process. Non-existence is shown as the measure against which the energy of the meaning existence is created. This existence is initially pluralistic and contains points of inner integration described as the non-existence inside the meaning. Therefore, this refers not only to non-existence as absolute absence of meaning and vacuum but also to emptiness as a lack of understanding the influence of the other meaning perceived as a total absence of ‘our’ or ‘my’ meaning. According to the author, tolerance towards different cultural meanings within cultural communication would be the way out of the situation.


ontology, meontology, meaning, non-existence, synergetics, dialogics of culture, nonsense, anthropology, human, understanding.

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