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Actual problems of Russian law

Podvolotskiy, I.N. Interaction between judicial experts and participants of procedural activities, when holding portrait expertise

Abstract: Efficiency of the judicial system of a state depends upon the coordination of the activities of all of the participants of the process. The key element of the interaction may be recognized as the activities of the party initiating a judicial expertise and of a judicial expert. The basis for their interaction is the presence of the complex of special knowledge, allowing them to evaluate the results of each other’s work. The lack of due understanding of the abilities of a specific expert to resolve the problems relevant for proving the case leads to the need to take additional procedural actions, such as interrogation of an expert or assigning an additional expertise. This, in turn, has a negative impact upon the length of the judicial procedures on the case. Solution of this problem may be found in closer cooperation between the experts (specialists) and initiators of an expertise, holding preliminary consultations during which one may clarify the goals of the parties, the type of the expertise, competence of an expert, the list of objects for expertise, information related to assigning this expertise, and the prospective use of its results.


portrait expertise, habitoscopy, special knowledge, forensic studies, interaction, expert opinion, consultation of a specialist, video image, type of expert, object, studies.

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