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Administrative and municipal law

Lapina, E.B. Public purchases of state services.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the role of legislation on public purchases in the sphere of state purchase of services provided by states. In the opinion of the author, the legislation on public purchases, which is aimed for state regulation in the economic sector, may not perform its function in the sphere of purchase of state services. In cases, when state services are purchased by state customers, its goals are being achieved by other normative legal acts, therefore, its regulating function is absent in such situation. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the legal relations arising out of provision of state service, their nature usually excluding contractual regulation. Based upon the analysis the author makes a conclusion that it is not necessary and in some cases not possible to regulate purchases of state services by state customers under the legislation of public purchases. The practical value of the article is due to its aim to improve the existing legislation on the orders for the state needs.


state management, use of budget funds, public purchases, public order, competition, state contract, state service, state government body, state fee, administrative regulation.

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