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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Andrushchak O.L. Problems of Administrative Liability of Legal Persons for the Violations in the sphere of Share Market of Ukraine

Abstract: This article deals with the question concerning the possibility for a legal person to be subject to administrative liability for the violations at stock market of Ukraine. The norms of current law of Ukraine have been analyzed and a brief comparison study with the legislature of Russian Federation was held in order to achieve a stated objective. The main views and works of the scientists dealing with the regulation of this issue have been examined in this article. The conclusion of the article states the necessity for amending current Code of Ukraine on administrative violations concerning clear definition of natural and legal persons to be subject to administrative liability, in particular, at shares market of Ukraine, and for providing a legislative framework for the procedure of bringing legal persons to responsibility.


comparative law, legal person, natural person, share, securities, administrative liability, subject, violation, code, amend.

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