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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Grigoriev A.V., Leschenkov F.A. Realization of Human Right to Take Part in Governance through “E-Government” Concept in the Russian Federation and Germany

Abstract: The current article represents realization of citizens’ right to participate in government by the means of a brand new form of correlation between public administration and citizens — the electronic government. The authors examine the process of social informatization, as it serves as the basic condition of proper development of informational relationships between government and society. The scientific analyze includes research of Russian and German experience in the field of E-government concept. Potential of E-government as an instrument of realization of citizens’ right to participate in public management is revealed. The authors distinguish concepts of open government and electronic government and debate upon perspectives of E-government development.


E-government, open government, human rights, informatization, information, constitution, IT, realization of rights, Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Germany.

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