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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. The Crossing of Destinies and Concepts

Abstract: This summer the author of the article had a chance to read a very interesting book. The book he is talking about combines features of many genres. Here is an extract from the book: ‘Devoted to her love and her beloved man, a young woman keeps their secret as an experienced conspirator. Intense, thoroughly hidden and clearly prospectless love affair has become a serious life test for both of them, but especially for her. At the first look, it followed quite a usual or even banal scheme. Hidden from everyone, secret meetings of lovers at the mansard went on’. What is it? Is it a love novel? Yes it is, it is the novel about feelings which had a serious impact on lives of the two famous people. At the same time, this book is not only about love. This is the kind of book we want to call ‘biographics’. It is the story about two famous philosophers, their feelings and everyday life, their social and scientific activities. This is the book about personalities, social situations and everyday lives of Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt. This book is a theoretical research most of all. After recent researches of A. V. Gulyga and Yu. N. Davydov who analyzed not only philosophical concepts but also peculiarities of the epoch, Motroshilov’s book represents, according to the author, a completely new stage in understanding Western philosophy.


philosophy, being, time, love, humanism, theology, technology, evil, totalitarianism, existentials.

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