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Administrative and municipal law

But, S.S. System of administrative legal means for fighting corruptions in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article reflects upon the importance of the topical issues in the sphere of fighting against corruption offences, and special attention is paid to the dangers of corruption offences in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation. The author provides delict-based, social and legal characteristics of corruption and uses its legal definition. The article contains evaluation of topical issues and current administrative legal mechanisms for fighting corruption within the state service system in the Russian Federation, as well as of administrative anticorruption legal norms in accordance with the modern legislative tendencies. The author then makes a conclusion on the insufficiency of criminal legal means for the efficient fight against corruption offences, and evaluates the perspectives for the application of administrative legal norms against corruption in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, the author draws a conclusion on the formation of the system of administrative legal norms against corruption. The article includes analysis of some Federal Laws and Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation containing anti-corruption provisions. The author offers to develop the provisions of federal anti-corruption legislation in the departmental normative legal acts.


corruption, corruption offence, corruption prevention, practice of criminal punishments, customs bodies of the Russian Federation, administrative law, executive bodies, fighting corruption, administrative legal means, legislation.

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