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Actual problems of Russian law

Shugrina, E.S. Autonomy of a higher education institution and academic freedoms: correlation of international and national legal regulation

Abstract: Based on the analysis of international legal acts the article discusses the contents of the term «academic freedoms», which the author offers to interpret as freedom of lecturing and academic research, freedom of education, institutional autonomy of a higher education institutions. The article consecutively evaluates specific features of legal regulation of the above-mentioned elements. The work shows that depending on the contents of the term «academic freedoms», the subjects (the bearers of rights) include lecturers, scientific researchers, students, other trainees, educational institutions. It is also shown that the domestic Russian legislation on these issues generally complies with the international norms. However, analysis of Russian legislation allows for drawing a conclusion that «academic freedom» is mostly related to the educational institutions and scientific and pedagogical workers. For the students academic freedom meant the ability to gain knowledge in accordance with their intentions and needs, to choose state, municipal, or private higher educational institution. The work includes analysis of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.


academic freedom, students, trainees, educational institution.

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