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Boyko, M. E. Structural Analysis of Complex Personalities of Literary Characters Based on Fedor Dostoevsky’s Novel ‘Idiot’

Abstract: Many collisions of Fedor Dostoevsky’s novel ‘Idiot’ (1868–1869) still remain a mystery despite them being studied and interpreted quite widely. It was not by accident when V. Burenin said that Dostoevsky’s ‘Idiot’ touches the very ‘sphere of pathology’. Based on the analysis of Fedor Dostoesky’s ‘Idiot’, the author of the article demonstrates heuristic potential of structural method for analyzing characters. The author of the article also hypothetically reconstructs a mysterious ‘meeting of the two female antagonists’ (Nastasia Phillipovna and Aglaya Epanchina). In that scene (Part IV, Chapter VIII) Nastasia Phillipovna wins morally all of the sudden. Duke Myshkin who is in love with Aglaya plays a role of a moral ‘judge’ here. In order to understand all these contradictions, it is necessary to describe typical patters and causes of opposition between the main female characters as well as Nastasia Phillipovna’s ‘internal duality’ as M. Bakhtin called it.


cultural studies, M. Bakhtin, dialogue, Fedor Dostoevsky, literary studies, reconstruction, structuralism, structural method, character analysis, characters.

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