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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kayukov, V. A. Sufficient Grounds of Success of Music Conducting and Leader’s Activities

Abstract: The article studies the philosophical and psychological phenomenon of success in social activity. In particular, the author defines sufficient grounds for psychology and philosophy of success of music conducting. The author studies such moments in conductor’s activity as mass hypnosis, crowd contagion and just and successful management. In the first part of the article ‘Audience as the purpose and grounds of success’, the author shows that the crowd is naturally an aggressive and destructing social formation. A crowd can be 1) naturally formed or 2) forced to form. When studying the positive features of crowds, the author saw that aggression and destructiveness of crowds were neutralized in pa in music groups. In particular, choirs have an amazing feature of self-relaxation. People there are tolerant towards each other because 1) they are engaged in singing together b) they are equal. Besides those external features, a conductor also has two internal, personal methods of managing groups of people: a) hypnosis b) psychological ‘contagion’. A conductor becomes successful if he uses the aforesaid methods of management. The second part of the article ‘Requiem as special semantics of success’ is devoted to the opposition of the two existential issues – love and death. Based on the study, tragedy is especially popular and beneficial in show business and modern musical art. Combining ontological, philosophical truth and an attempt to look outside the borders of existence, the genre of requiem can bring a human to existential insight and understanding of his personal life. Working with the genre of requiem, a conductor can actually achieve excellence and become a brilliant leader of a music group. Thus, this is for the first time ever that conductor’s activity is viewed not from the point of view of musical art or cultural research but psychological and philosophicalcultural approach. Such terms as mass activity, psychology of crowd and leader’s successful management are also discussed. The author offers a new term ‘requiemability’ for describing one form of the grounds for success on stage.


psychology, success, management, mass, requiem, death, love, music conductor, leader, music.

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