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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Gaivoronskaya, Y.V. System of legal acts of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article gives grounds for the system of legal acts of the Russian Federation as a complex classification. The author provides critical analysis of various classifications of legal acts due to their incomplete nature, and she provides her own version for the systematization of legal acts. The key criterion for the classification is the legal nature of an act. The author characterizes specific features of the legal nature of the legal acts of various types. A large number of acts of ambiguous or mixed legal nature leads conflicts of laws and complicates the practice of legal implementation. Many of these problems may only be resolved by legislative means. The legislator should resolve two key problems: firstly, it is necessary to clarify the competence of certain subjects to issue certain types of legal acts, as well as the requirements to the legal techniques for the various types of legal documents; and, secondly, to introduce limitations to those subjects regarding issuing the acts of ambiguous legal nature, for which it may be complicated to establish both their legal consequences and the degree of their obligatory character.


jurisprudence, legal acts, interpretation acts, general acts, document, legal nature, acts of mixed nature, implementation of law, application of law, implementation of obligations, act.

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