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Philology: scientific researches

Gurevich, P. S. Beauty as the Richness of Being Responses to the Books Published by Kanon+ Publishing House

Abstract: The author of the article talks about the two books devoted to the theory of art and esthetic issues, Outlines of Esthetics and Theory of Art, N. A. Chrenov and A. S. Migunov as executive editors, and Richard Shusterman’s Pragmatic Esthetics. Live Beauty, Rethinking of Art. Outlines of Esthetics and Theory of Art contains the analysis of the most different conceptions. In fact, this is an attempt to create an encyclopedia of different philosophies devoted to the science of the beautiful and the ugly. It is underlined that even such unusual spheres as gestalt psychology and algorythmical esthetics are mentioned in the book. In his Pragmatic Esthetics Richard Shusterman develops the tradition of John Dewey and analyzes pragmatic aspects of fine arts.


philosophy, art, esthetics, history, beauty, pragmatism, usefulness, reality, Post-Modernism, esthetic experience.

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