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Philology: scientific researches

Smirnova-Seslavinskaya, M. V. The Problem of the Speech Subject and Intercultural Communication in LingvoAnthropological Research of the Minorities (What Does ‘ROM’ Mean From the Point of View of the Gypsy Speaker?)

Abstract: Based on the studies of the semantic field of a basic Gypsy socionim ROM, the author of the article views the problem of studying the linguistic picture of the world of minorities when their language and culture function under the situation of bilingualism and bi-culture. The author analyzes the core of socionims of gyspy roms which represent the primary relation (i.e. denotes the age, gender and social function). The author shows distortions of the semantic field of the rom socionim which appears when social Gypsy terms are discussed in other languages both by the researchers, representatives of the macro society, and Gypsy people themselves. It is described how the situation of intercultural communication leads to formation of ethnonymic semantics of the socionim in intercultural environment, on one hand, and on the way it is perceived by the researchers, on the other hand. Information and conclusions offered in the article are important for such fields as lingvoanthropology and lingvoculturology, psycholinguistics, ethnopsychology, studies of linguistic intercultural problems and translation theory.


philology, Gypsy language (Romany), ROM, primary and secondary relation, social age and gender, social function, endoetnonym and excoetnonym, intercultural communication, semantic field, discursive images.

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