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Actual problems of Russian law

Narutto, S.V. Education technologies in the legal clinic

Abstract: The author analyzes the interactive production technologies, which may be applied in legal clinics, such as brain storm, small groups, directed discussion, debates, symposium, forum, negotiations, demonstrations, creative assignments, role playing, the problem tree, etc. The author provides grounds for the idea that it is necessary to stimulate the students to for independent search for information and application of legal knowledge in client cases. The author then formulates a conclusion that the clinical methods of education allow to bring the professional legal education closer to modernization. Interactive methods of education are aimed to develop the skills of students and to provide them with legal training. These methods are aimed at the problem-oriented active studies. The author formulates the requirements for the legal clinic instructor, and she states the quality and efficiency of education are directly dependent upon the personality of an instructor, his creativity, experience and knowledge.


jurisprudence, clinic, methods, interactive, education, creativity, discussion, assignments, client, game.

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