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Actual problems of Russian law

Shugrina, E.S. Legal clinic in Russia: a novelty or a well-forgotten old tradition?

Abstract: The article is devoted to the history of legal clinics In Russia, the goals of their formation and various types of legal clinics. The author offers the following classifications: based on the type of organizational form (basic structure); based on the types of legal aid provided in a legal clinic (by the type of organization of client work); based on the legal clinic specialization (types of cases, specific features of clients); based on type of communication with a client; based on level of involvement In the real practice; based on the obligatory character of law clinic for the students. Special attention is paid to the characteristic features of legal bases of organization and activities of the legal clinics. Additionally, the author provides the list of questions, which one has to answer when forming a legal clinic.


jurisprudence, legal clinics, interactive methods, education standards, qualified legal aid, consulting, practical education, practical training, legal education, trainee adviser.

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