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Taxes and Taxation

Savina O. N., Pyanova M. V. Innovative tools for increasing the efficiency of modern education process as means for realizing a competency approach in education

Abstract: It is time to discuss the competency approach in education. The “concepts for modernization of Russian education till 2020”, as well as projects for “Federal State education standard, generation II” have documented the tendency for transforming Russian education to achieve levels of key educational competencies. This means that the existent knowledge-based approach is being replaced by competency approach, which empathizes the importance not on the student’s erudition, but on his ability to organize their work. The author shares experience utilizing new forms of organization of student’s academic work. Using those forms, one empathizes a certain logic of realizing the competency approach, which allows to use traditional forms of student’s academic work more efficiently, in addition to innovative methods.


Tax and taxation, crowd sourcing, modernization, innovative forms of work, science fair, education process, competencies, competency approach, modernization concept

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