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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Demakov R.A. Optimization of Governmental Legislative Activity: Legal Experience of Russia and Foreign Countries

Abstract: The article is dedicated to optimization of governmental project legislative activity by the effective introduction in elaboration process of governmental bills of institutes of law monitoring and law prediction. On the analysis base of federal legislation of the Russian Federation, legislation of subjects of Russian Federation and some foreign countries, the need of organizational and legal conducting measurements of improving of Russian governmental activity is asserted by author. On the base of analysis of periodical and monograph literature, common tendencies and directions of scientific elaborations in the sphere of forming of governmental bills are described. Sublegislative acts, regulating the procedure of governmental legislative process of executive branch of power, practice of implementation of bill drafting procedure, are reviewed and analyzed, on the base of studied data recommendations of modernization of governmental bill drafting procedure in the Russian Federation are elaborated. Particular attention in the article is devoted to the introduction of more constructive and successive ability of civil society institutions participation in process of governmental bill drafting.


The Government of the Russian Federation, law drafting activities, state power, the bill, optimization, law monitoring, law forecasting, normative act, the institution of civil society, the effectiveness of the law.

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