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International Law and International Organizations

Getman-Pavlova, I.V. The followers of Bertrand D’Argentre in the science of international private law in the XVII century France.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the French followers of Bertrand D’Argentre, who in turn was the founder of the French theory of statues in the international private law. It is concluded that the theory of three statutes, as offered by B. D’Argentre was hardly accepted in the French doctrine of conflict law of XVII century. 17 scientists of that time are known to us, and they made a great influence on the development of international private law, while we may only recognize there of them as the followers of Bertrand D’Argentre (Paul Challine, Denis Simon, Denis Lebrun). It was Paul Challine who reintroduced the rule for the three classes of statutes (real, personal and of mixed nature) into the conf lict studies after this classification was almost forgotten for 80 years. The dissertation of Denis Simon serves as evidence of spread and application of the D’ Argentre’s system in France in late XVII century. The thoughts of Denis Lebrun show the great inf luence of this theory by the end of XVII century. It was thanks to the works of these three scientists, that the theory of D’Argentre was finally accepted in France.


international private law, XVII century, France, theory of statutes, D’Argentre, judicial practice, coutume collisions, real statutes, personal statutes, mixed statutes, Paul Challine, Denis Simon, Denis Lebrun

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