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Philosophy and Culture

Zima, V. N. Parmenides and Static Concept of Time

Abstract: The author analyzes the contents of the static concept of time and the main forms of this concept in modern philosophy. The article also studies the relation between the static concept of time and views of the Antique philosopher Parmenides of Elea. The author analyzes opinions of modern researchers who actually admit that there is such a certain relation between them. It is concluded that it is impossible to study Parmenides’ views as any form of the static concept of time. The author shows that it is important to analyze the Parmenides’ approach to being and existence in order to set out the problem of time in philosophy and to solve the problem about ontological circumstances of time objectivation. The author traces back tendencies to solve the question about the relation between time, eternity and plurality in late neo-Platonism and concludes that the solution is that the eternal but not temporal interpretation of this relation prevails. It is concluded the method of presenting time as B-series in modern philosophy (so called static concept of time) allows not only temporary, but also a-temporary and even eternal interpretation. It is pointed out that the main role of alternative interpretations is that they again raise a question about the actual difference between ontology of time and ontology of eternity.


philosophy, time, eternity, plurality, temporality, a-temporality, ontology, Parmenides, neo- Platonism.

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