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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Ignatenko, A. S. About the Role of Evolutionism in Developing Knowledge about the Psyche: at the Interface Between Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Philosophy

Abstract: In Western culture positive knowledge is confined to making reality fit scientific conceptions about mechanism or a system as a complex combination of homo- and heterogenic elements. More than that, evolution of mechanic theories and concepts (mechanism-organism-structure-system) quite often makes researches come to the conclusion about evolution of mechanism as well. Thus, epistemological invariant includes mechanical theory (in the broad meaning of the term), energetics and evolutionism, Based on the example of trans-disciplinary sphere between psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychology, neurology and philosophy (which is called ‘psychophilosophy’ by the author), the author of the article shows how this epistemological variant applies to studying human psyche.


philosophy, evolutionism, psychophilosophy, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, organodynamism, mechanical theory, energetics, schizophrenia, structure.

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