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Actual problems of Russian law

Konovalov, A.O. Some problems of implementation of the non-judicial mechanisms of protection of the constitutional right to access for information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the current legislation, which regulates the legal relations in the sphere of implementation of non-judicial mechanisms for the protection of constitutional right to access to information on the activities of the courts in the Russian Federation, as well as of the legal practice in this sphere. The author singles out the competences of the chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the chairmen of the city (district) courts, and he also provides analysis of the competence of the prosecution in the sphere of protection of the constitutional right to access to the information on the activities of the courts in the Russian Federation. The article also includes positions of the author on the absence of specific mechanisms of control over the guaranteed access to the information on the activities of the courts in the Russian Federation both at the federal level and in the institutional acts, as well as on the lack of efficiency of the actions of prosecutors in the sphere of protection of violated rights for the access to information. The author also expresses his opinion on the key directions for the improvement of legislation and legal practice in the sphere of access to the information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation.


jurisprudence, court, department, information, protection, access, supervision, complaint, right, Constitution.

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