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Actual problems of Russian law

Djamalova, E.K. Religious extremism as a destructive issue in the legal culture of peoples of Dagestan

Abstract: The spread of religious enmity, which is also known as religious extremism, currently poses a specific threat to the national security of Russia and Dagestan. The challenge of religious extremism in the North Caucasian region becomes extremely dangerous, when the religious ideology is used for nationalistic and separatist goals. Religious factor is used in order to provide ideological and organizational support for specific interests of various forces and political subjects. Social and legal danger for Dagestan is due to the total egoism, which is often presented as a positive way for a self-organized society. It is necessary to deal with the political, social, economic, national and cultural problems of the Republic of Dagestan taking into account the mindset and values, as well as legal culture of the peoples of Dagestan. The key directions of the activities of state and municipal government should include strengthening the interactions among the territorial executive bodies, various religious organizations and people; development of the regular legal monitoring system in Dagestan and provision of information for the peoples of Dagestan; involvement of representatives of various social circles and groups, law enforcement bodies, students and working youth into the events, facilitating the state policy against religious extremism. In order to prevent the spread of extremism the following measure may be taken; legal education of the peoples of Dagestan; support for the best traditions of peoples of Dagestan; development of tolerance towards other nationalities, religions, and denominations; introduction of social institutions, which would influence the process of formation of the legal culture of the peoples of Dagestan and activate their positive influence; analysis of mass media and information materials in the Republic of Dagestan with the use of information technologies in order to uncover anti-social materials; formation of the institutions dealing with the public opinion problems on the issues of work of the law enforcement bodies and implementation law.


jurisprudence, legal culture, legal conscience, Constitution, Dagestan, multinational, faith, religion, denomination, extremism, terrorism.

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