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Philosophy and Culture

Matveev, A. S. Communication Nature of Social Management

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to view the communication nature of social management. For this purpose, the author of the article describes different approaches to interpreting the term ‘management’, the latter being viewed from the point of view of general philosophy, information approaches and the classical management theory. The following conclusions were made based on the analysis conducted in the article: 1. As one of the attributes of existence, management appears at all levels of existence from inanimate nature to highly organized biological organisms and social systems. 2. The most important goal of social management is to solve the contradictions between the subject and object of management. 3. All fundamental properties of management at all levels remain when the system is moved to the social level but they take more complicated shape and become to based on new, specific properties of social management. 4. Under conditions of post-industrial information society, it is the convincing communication which comes to the fore among all other methods of social management. It naturally causes a drastic development of communication technologies aimed at a more efficient solution of tasks related to convincing the object of management. The practical relevance of this research is the insight into possible directions of the development of social communication as the mechanism regulating society’s life.


philosophy, system, management, object, inter-subjectivity, communication abilities, subjectivity, entropy, principle, theory.

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