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Philosophy and Culture

Koptseva, N. P. Truth in Plato’s Philosophy

Abstract: Based on the analysis of Plato’s dialogues, the author describes Plato’s idea of truth that is directly related to such philosophical category as ‘being’. Plato was the first philosopher to distinguish the three definitions of truth: 1) truth as the feature of being; 2) truth as the feature of human knowledge; 3) truth as the feature of human existence. In Plato’s dialogues love for truth determines all the aspects of true existence of human. Dialectics of search for truth cause the tripartite interpretation of the term: 1) truth is the content like the ‘pure’ (self-identical and everlasting) being; 2) truth is the feature of knowledge aimed at either this ‘pure’ being (when the truth is knowledge) or appearing and disappearing (formation) of items (opinion); 3) truth is the feature of human existence in the world as shown in Plato’s philosophy of state. Plato’s philosophical concept of truth serves as an example for further search for truth at all stages in history of Western philosophy.


philosophy, truth Plato, dialogues, ontology, gnoseology, being, value, absolute truth, dialectics.

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