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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Nasonov, S.A. The models of review for the court decisions based on the jury verdict in criminal cases in Russia and foreign states

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the historically forms of appeal (review) of the criminal case judgments, which are based upon the jury verdict, and which did not yet enter into force at the time of appeal. The first procedural form of review for such judgments is the appeals form, and it includes various models for such review. The first model of the appeal review of the judgment, which is based on the jury verdict, requires that the case is heard anew with a different jury. Currently the classic jury trial is included into the appeal only under Norwegian legislation. This model is the closest to the understanding of appeal as the repeated hearing of the criminal case. The second model of appeal is applied in the states with an Anglo-Saxon legal system (the Great Britain, Canada, the USA, etc.), and it does not include the «classic» repeated process, while the appeals court has a right to review the decision of jury on guilt of the convict, factual and legal elements of the guilty verdict, which allows one to recognize it as full appeal model. The third model (present in the Criminal Procedural Code of Spain) is «partial» appeal, when the criminal judgment is reviewed only in part of violations of procedural and material law. The second procedural form for the review of such judgments is classic cassation, as present in the continental type of criminal judicial procedure. The third model for the review of such judgment is provided for in the Criminal Procedural Code of Austria, which allows for the review alternatively in cassation or appeals form. The appeals review of the criminal judgments based on jury verdicts in the Russian Federation may be classified as «partial appeal». The article also includes analysis of the specific features of appeals on criminal judgment based on jury verdict in the Russian legislation.


jurisprudence, appeals, procedure in court, trial by jury, verdict, cassation, models for the review of criminal judgments, full appeal model, partial appeal model, remission of a sentence, substantial breach of law.

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