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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Lazarev, V.V. The search of science on law and state (scientific and journalistic essay)

Abstract: The article contains some thoughts on scientific approach to the studies of state and law, as well as some critical evaluations on the current condition of the Russian legal science. The author is searching for scientific elements in works of some scholars, groups of scholars and institutions, but finds it in the virtual sphere. And one is to ask again whether those, who consider state and law to be a social construction rather than an objective reality, are right, and whether one should search in the sphere of virtual reality, where the objective truths are replaced by objects and symbols of real things, and where evidence ad hominem does not require correspondence to the strict values of science. Therefore, one may look critically at the scientific criterion of the research method and the science itself is not divided from myth, religion, etc.


jurisprudence, science, scientist, school, works, evaluation, results, reality, virtuality, modernism.

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