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Administrative and municipal law

Khodyrev, A. A. Organizational and Legal Forms of Public Service in France Within the Framework of Administrative Regime

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of organizational and legal forms of implementation of public service (le service public) in France within the framework of administrative regime, i.e. under conditions of co-existence of the two spheres of national law order, private law and administrative law. As a part of administrative regime, public administration activities were literally excluded from the scope of private laws, for instance, French Civil Code of 1804. Consequently, when disputes arise between private persons and public administration, there is always a question whether the public authority agent has acted within the framework of administrative law or private law. In the first case, administrative court will be a competent authority, and in the second case — the general jurisdiction court. The author conducts a detailed analysis of the question about delegation of public service based on the dichotomy between general (private law) regime and administrative regime through examples of public concession and affermages.


public service, public order, administrative regime, administrative jurisdiction, delegation of public service, concession, public activities, agreement, administrative court, affermage.

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