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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korneenkov, S. S. Introspection, Concentration and Co-Adjustment — Methods of Teaching, Self-Knowledge and Psychotherapy

Abstract: The author of the article makes an attempt to provide scientific and spiritual grounds for introspection, concentration and co-adjustment methods. Concentration means self-collection of mind and nature in the form of a super-consciousness truth. Co-adjustment means the union of one’s mind with his individual consciousness/soul. Psychotherapy of co-adjustment allows to dissolve the energy blocks inside human body and psyche by the force of the higher state of consciousness. The main purpose of psychotherapy is to activate one’s living potentials and to increase the energy level of one’s consciousness so that a body can overcome a disease. The author also discusses the difference of positive psychotherapy from negative psychotherapy. These methods allow to restore broken communications. Increase in the level of consciousness leads to intellectual and spiritual development of human and his somatic, psychic and moral health. These methods of developing the level of consciousness can be used in education, psychotherapy, scientific research and personal development.


psychology, introspection, concentration, self-knowledge, co-adjustment, resonance, psychotherapy, mediation, altered state of consciousness, Higher Self.

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