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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sherkova, T. A. The Image of the Eye of the Sun God in Ancient Egyptian Religious and Mythological Conceptions: Cultural, Historical and Psychological Aspects

Abstract: The image of the solar god-creator — the Eye of Heaven — is typical for many ancient and traditional cultures. But only in ancient Egypt it had a double nature. Masculine image of a demiurge was accompanied with a feminine image named the Holy Eye, a personified goddess, a daughter of Atem and Ra. The origin of such conceptions is viewed from different points of view — history, culture and psychology. Archetype of conflict motives and reunion of gods are studied within the framework of Karl Jung’s analytical psychology. The main purpose of the article is to compare a mythological motive with its psychological contents.


psychology, symbols, myth, sun, eye, libido, archetype, self, anima, images.

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