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Actual problems of Russian law

Muchak Roman Ivanovich Instruments for the self-regulation of international commercial relations

Abstract: The development of the international economic relations served as the basis for the formation of informal sources for the regulation of the international commercial relations. The character of such regulators allowed the participants of the international commercial turnover to regulate their relations themselves, and it lead to the appearance of the phenomenon of «self-regulation». The existing concepts fail to provide non-ambiguous response to the question on the nature of the non-formal regulators. Based on the nature of the informal regulation sources, which mostly depend on the participants of the commercial turnover, it is reasonable to call such regulators «self-regulation instruments». Its definition should include the regulators, which are addressed to the participants of the commercial turnover as non-obligatory documents and which are aimed to regulate the commercial relations. The complicated systems of such regulators forms a transnational system of instruments for self-regulation of the international commercial turnover. The static character of the self-regulation instruments fails to reflect upon the process of legal regulation. However, potentially such regulators may gain dynamic features In the contract regulation. Therefore, the system of self-regulation instruments serves as a complement to the mechanism of legal regulation of international commercial turnover.


jurisprudence, instruments, self-regulation, contract, lex mercatoria, soft law, sub-law, source, mechanism, regulators.

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