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Administrative and municipal law

Zholobova, G. A. The Problem of Intermediation in Russian Bread Trade During the Second Half of XIX — Beginning of XX Centuries and Legal Restriction Measures

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of bread industry during the second half of XIX- beginning of XX century in Russia. By studying archives of late XIX — early XX centuries the author could vividly picture the negative side of market regulation of bread industry that was due to the dominance of intermediaries who caused the collapse of peasant manufacturers and made a negative impact on all bread industry in general. Based on the analysis of legislation of the Russian empire back in those times, the author showed the attempts of Russian government to restrict extreme intermediation of loan — sharking trade. The author has shown how inefficient administrative regulation was and how it caused the need in solving those problems and strengthening of state interference in bread industry.


trade, bread, grain, intermediary, speculative activity, loan-sharking, prohibition, punishment, peasant, manufacturer.

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