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Actual problems of Russian law

Ilyichev, P.A. On some issues regarding the legal nature of the limitation of claims

Abstract: This article is devoted to some topical issues regarding the legal nature of the limitation of claims. The author points out some legislative problems and problems in the sphere of application of law, and he offers the mechanisms for their possible solution, with due reference to the doctrinal sources. The article raises the issues on the place of the limitation of claims within the system of norms of material and procedural law, as well as within the system of norms of private law. The author also considers the possible presence of the public legal element in this legal institution. The article include legal analysis, which is aimed to establish the place of the limitation of claims within the system of branches of the Russian law. Based on the results of scientific studies, the author comes to a conclusion that the limitation of claims is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, which includes the elements of various branches of law.


jurisprudence, limitation of claims, material, procedural, private, public law, term, correlation.

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