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National Security

Yurchenko, A.V. On the experience of organization of the all-University additional course on the issues of security of entrepreneurial activities in the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.

Abstract: This article includes information on the experience of organization of the all-University additional course on the issues of security of entrepreneurial activities for the students for bachelor and master degrees in the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. In the point of view of the author, the students of various majors, who shall gain bachelor degrees in the spheres of economics, management, social studies, psychology, business informatics and other spheres of knowledge, should come to the state government bodies and economics with due knowledge on security guarantees for the private persons and legal entities, who are subjects of modern market relations. The course is aimed for the students who probably shall not work in the security divisions of companies or for the security organizations.


entrepreneurial activity, business, security sphere, management, complicated security system, targeted audience, higher education.

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